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At Go West campers belong to age groups, or units, based on the grade they are entering in the fall. Within the unit, we operate on a small group philosophy where campers belong to a group of ten to twelve campers, with two counselors.

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5 years old - 2nd Grade

The Trailblazers Unit is a fantastic introduction to the camp experience. Trailblazers try new activities and learn new skills. They spend their days paddle boarding, rock climbing, gardening, creating art and more. Patient and caring staff offer learn to bike programming. Working in a group and practicing independence makes the Trailblazers Unit a great preparation for full days at school. Minimum age for Trailblazers is 5 years old by their first day of camp.



3rd - 4th grades

The Trekkers Unit campers and staff create a close community of support, focused on friendship and encouragement, where kids can be themselves. Trekkers build on their skills and explore their interests through camper choice activity days. They express their creativity through art, gardening and cooking and experience the adventure of stand up paddle boarding, mountain biking and rock climbing.




In the Pathfinders Unit, campers transition from introductory skill building to focusing on their interests. They participate in activities like mountain biking, rock climbing, paddle boarding, art and music.Within their schedule, pathfinders have camper choice days where they are able to choose the activity they want to participate in. While advancing their skills, they also develop leadership skills and a sense of stewardship in the camp community.

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7th - 9th grades

The Adventurers Unit campers and staff create authentic friendships and a community of belonging. Summer days at camp help Adventurers to unplug from today’s online world and constant social media pressures. At camp they live in the moment and experience the joy of outdoor adventures as they support each other in advancing their skills in mountain biking, rock climbing and paddle boarding. They connect with each other and relax as they express themselves through creative arts. This camp experience will involve camper choice, skill tracks to enhance their skills in one particular area of focus, and off-site activities on an almost daily basis.

Returning THIS SUMMER!

We are offering the week long Adventurers Excursion camping add on again this summer.

This add on will include a week long overnight camping experience in the Arkansas River Valley between Salida and Buena Vista.

A week away from home will give campers the opportunity to live collectively in a community, building upon the relationships they create during their first 2 weeks of day camp and gain a sense of independence. Campers will learn responsibility through campsite management, cooking, and cleaning. This opportunity will allow campers to disconnect from technology and the pressures of social media.

The week long excursion will be action packed full of the best outdoor activities Colorado has to offer. In addition to the overnight camping experience, activities currently include: rafting, kayaking, horseback riding, biking and a trip to the hot springs.

This add on option will take the place of campers 3rd week of day camp programming. Space will be limited. Trips are limited to 2 gender specific groups of 12.

The additional cost for this week long overnight excursion is $995.


The overnight add on cost is comparable to other Colorado overnight camp experiences but with these advantages: 

In the Go West experience, campers will have the opportunity to get to know others in their group and the staff working with them in their 2 weeks of day camp programming prior to the overnight excursion. As a camp family you also have the opportunity to get to know and trust the staff leading the excursion prior to it taking place. 

The longer term overnight camp experience will allow campers to build upon the skills and foundation day camp programming has created, including; independence and self direction, productivity and accountability, leadership and responsibility, community and collaboration. The 3 weeks will allow for campers to build strong interpersonal skills and meaningful relationships.

The Adventurers Excursion will be gender specific programming and camping, allowing campers to have a level of comfort when challenging themselves in activities and other experiences that push them outside of their comfort zone. We value and respect the diverse identities within our community. As we plan our programs, we want to ensure that everyone feels included and comfortable. We strive to create an environment where all individuals, regardless of identity, feel respected and welcomed.

This approach recognizes the importance of inclusivity, gives options for preferences, and invites parents to share any specific considerations they may have. Groups will come together a couple times throughout the week for fun and socialization.

All meals and high quality gear is provided.

Go West excursions will be led by our Trip and Travel Program Director and a team of Trip and Travel Leaders who have additional certifications in outdoor recreation/education, wilderness first aid and our program areas of focus. They will also be supported by Go West's Owner and Senior Director.

We are partnering with trusted Arkansas Valley outfitters for river activities and horseback riding.

Please reach out with any questions you may have. We are currently working on video content for frequently asked questions and organizing a parent orientation in the spring. 
